At St. Anne's, our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Nikki Kavanagh.
She can be contacted at
At St. Anne's Catholic Primary School we are an inclusive School. We strive to support each and every child to enable them to achieve in all areas of their development at school. We believe that every child is entitled to quality first teaching and that this essential for children to reach their full potential. However, for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them thrive.
We are committed to supporting all of our children and families.
We see all of our children as unique individuals and we are passionate about ensuring that each individual entrusted to our care achieves their full potential, whatever their ability or their specific need. We provide equal opportunities for all children within our happy and caring school.
We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning. Our SENDco, Mrs Nikki Kavanagh, can be contacted at any time through her email or via the school office.
How does St Anne's know if my child needs extra help?
As a school we closely monitor the wellbeing and progress of all children. Staff are proactive in raising concerns about individual children and putting interventions and scaffolds in place to ensure that they can access the full curriculum following advice from the SENDco. We are committed to working in partnership with parents, as well as drawing on the expertise of staff, to ensure that of this is not effective we explore other avenues of additional support. This may include requesting advice or assessment from external agencies to ensure every child fulfils their potential.
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you have a concern about your child, we would encourage you to speak to your child's class teacher. The SENDco will also be very happy to meet with you. You can make an appointment by emailing the office on, for the attention of Mrs Nikki Kavanagh or phone the school on 02476302882.
How will I know how St. Anne's Primary school will support my child.
We pride ourselves on the working partnership that we have with parents and welcome your full involvement in planning effective ways to support your child. In addition to progress meetings with your child's class teacher, the SENDco will invite you to termly meetings where you can discuss the plan in place and future actions needed to support your child.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All of our teachers have the highest possible expectations for your child and all the pupils in their class. All teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and understand. Your child’s teachers will put in place different ways of teaching so that your child is fully involved in learning in the class. This may involve things like using more practical learning or providing different resources adapted for your child. Your child’s teacher will also put in place specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENDco or staff from outside agencies) to enable your child to access the learning task.
Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on his/her progress to monitor if your child has gaps in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support in order to close the gap between your child and their peers. The teacher will then plan group sessions for your child with targets to help your child to make more progress. These groups might be led by a teacher or a teaching assistant working to plans made by the class teacher.
What support will be available for my child’s overall well-being?
Here at St Anne's we recognise that for some children, school is not an easy experience. Children occasionally face social and emotional challenges which can impact on their learning; for these more vulnerable children our involvement might be intensified, and to this purpose we have a Pastoral Support Team and a Local Authority Attendance Officer and who will offer one to one support and group work. We also use outside agencies to offer a comprehensive package of support, allowing children the opportunity to share their worries and concerns.
Every child is very much an individual and their needs are assessed as such.
What training is available for staff who are supporting children with SEND?
The school identifies training needs for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND. This may include whole school training on SEND issues or to support identified groups of learners in school, such as those with autism etc; whole staff training to share knowledge, strategies and experience and ensure consistency of the school’s approach for children with SEND. Teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class.
The SENCO and teacher work closely with specialists from external support services that may provide advice or direct support as appropriate.
How will the school prepare and support my child when transferring to secondary school?
The SENCO and class teachers meet with the SENCO from the secondary schools to discuss the child’s specific needs. Additional tours around the new school can be arranged for children where needed. Where necessary, specialist teachers will provide additional support for your child.
You can see our 'SEND Information Report' here.
Click for School SEND Policy.
SEND Local Offer
The Coventry SEND Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families. The SEND Local Offer will cover services available to the public across education, health and social care: Education: such as nurseries, playgroups, schools and colleges as well as support services like Educational Psychology and SEN services Health: children's and adult services including GPs, therapists and hospital services Social care: such as short break services and children's and adult disability services. |
Please click here for the Coventry City Council SEND Local offer .
The emotional wellbeing of all our children is a priority for us. Our aim here at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary is to ensure that all our children feel safe, happy and secure.
Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional developmental need in children so that provision can be put in place by the adults working most closely with the child. At St. Anne’s, we use Thrive On-line, a web-based assessment and action planning tool, to assess individuals and groups of students and to design action plans with strategies and activities to be used in the classroom and during creativity and art sessions. These art and sensory activities are designed to improve the students' regulatory system to better access relaxation and calm. The strategies offer age-appropriate developmental tasks which will address gaps in emotional and social development. Thrive-online also allows us to review progress and measure improvements of student's skills over time. |
- Every class dedicates their PSHE lessons in the first half of the Autumn term to developing relationships and learning about the Zones of Regulation.
- Every class has a Thrive Corner that children can use to support regulation.
- We have created a ‘Thrive Hive’ room for children to promote and practise the strategies and activities that will improve their regulatory system to better access relaxation and calm.
Click below for more information:
General Information
SEND/RISE is the name for Coventry and Warwickshire Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service. Here is a link to their first newsletter with lots of useful information & advice for parents, carers and young people. For the most up to date advice and guidance, please visit |
Find information for families supporting an autistic family member at Families (
What is Mental Health? A clip about Mental health A clip about Mental Health for Key Stage 2 children
Find resources and information on Children's Mental Week: Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week - Official site (
Finding out more about feelings: |
SEN support, My Support Plans and Education and Health Care Plans.
Please click on the below links for more information:
Education – SENDIASS ( SEN support Education – SENDIASS ( My Support Plan Education – SENDIASS ( Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment Education – SENDIASS ( Education Health and Care Plan (EHC Plans) Education – SENDIASS ( EHCP: Annual Reviews |
Speech, Language and Communication INFORMATION FOR PARENTS ABOUT: Speech, Language and Communication
There is lots of information on the Coventry Speech and Language Website under the Families tab. Families - Children's SSLT ( The model shows many of the different areas of speech and language development in children. Each of these areas contribute to successful communication and children learn these skills at different paces. Some children may have difficulties with one or more area. The development of these skills can be supported with strategies to help children to reach their full potential. Please use the drop down menu under the families tab to learn more about the different areas of communication. Main messages from the communication tree:
Some useful information: Supporting your child's language development. Play - what to expect and when. |
Nip in the Bud
Learning about Children’s Mental Health through Film
Contact are there for all families with disabled children – supporting families, bringing families together and helping families take action for others.
Their vision is that families with disabled children feel valued and are strong, confident and able to make the decisions that are right for them.
Contact: the charity for families with disabled children
Carers Trust Heart of England’s aim is to support carers and those they care for by providing the highest possible quality, individually tailored care support service that improves the lives of carers, the people they care for and their families.
To visit their website click: Home - Carers Trust Heart of England (
Carers Trust Heart of England Young Carers help young carers in Coventry by listening to them when they want to talk, give information and advice, arrange trips and activities to give them a break from their caring responsibilities and support them through any troubles they may have in school (if the problems are because they are caring for someone).
To visit their website click: Young Carers - Carers Trust Heart of England (
Upcoming opportunities ...
Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour
Virtual workshop delivered by Michelle Wallace Parenting Lead on Thursday 19th December 2024 10a.m. -12noon. Parents or professionals on their behalf can email before Thursday to request to attend and will be sent the Teams joining link.
Topics covered include:
- Understanding Children’s Brains
- Supporting Emotional Regulation
- Time to Calm Down
- Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours
- Giving Choices and Consequences
- Creating Family Agreements