Home learning
Home learning is an essential aspect of school life. It is when the children get to consolidate and practise all that they have learned in school. We don't want to overwhelm our young people with too much work, but we know that what we do send home, if done with the same effort as demonstrated in school, will really help the children make the progress they are capable of.
To make it easy for children and parents to remember, all homework is sent out every Friday and is expected to be back in school by the following Wednesday. They can of course bring it in before that if they wish. Children can get support for their homework at Breakfast club, should they choose to attend. Every child in years 1-6 will have as a minimum:
- Reading at home X 5 times per week. (please remember to sign their reading record!)
- Spellings - these will be ongoing daily and weekly (Please note we no longer have weekly spelling 'tests' For more information see the 'Get Spelling' information on the Class Pages menu.
- One piece of Literacy homework
- One piece of Maths homework
All children have a homework book (it's the orange one!) and it is their responsibility to keep it as neat, clean and tidy as any of their other books in school. 'BE PROUD' is one of Golden rules and we expect them to be proud of this book as well as all other books in school.
If your child is struggling with any aspect of homework, please do not worry. Please make an appointment to speak with their class teacher and they will be happy to help.