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St Anne's Catholic Primary School

"Love one another as I have loved you in our home, school and Parish family"


Meet the team

Reception Class Page 2024-25

Welcome to Reception!


WELCOME to you and your child to Reception at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School. 

We are excited for you to join us on our journey through Reception.

There is a little bit of information here but you will find out more by clicking the link to our 'Welcome to Reception' PowerPoint.

In Reception, we try to live out our school mission statement, "Love one another as I have loved you in our home, school and parish families' by being kind to each other, sharing and helping one another, among other things.

Our class saint is Saint Elizabeth. We will learn about her during our time in Reception.

There are prayers that we say in Reception. You can share these at home by clicking on the link below.

Homework and new reading books will be sent home every Thursday. Please try to read with your child every night. The children keep the same book for a week so that they become fluent at reading them or talking about them.

Our PE days are Monday & Friday. Children should come to school wearing their school PE kit.  Plain navy tracksuit bottoms, St Anne's branded PE hoodie and St Anne's Navy PE T-shirt.

Please could your child bring a water bottle and a bag with them each day.

We will be outside in all weather conditions so a suitable coat in school every day is a must!

PLEASE LABEL ALL BELONGINGS AND ITEMS OF UNIFORM, as we would like to minimise the amount of property getting lost.

The children have settled very well into their new learning environment and have had a fantastic start to the year. We are excited to make lots of memories and learn lots together!

We look forward to working with you so that your child reaches their full potential and best possible outcomes in Reception.

Many thanks, 

The Reception Team.



Click here to view our 'Welcome to Reception' PowerPoint. 

Click here to view the prayers that children will learn whilst in Reception.

Click here to view Reception's timetable for Spring


Top Tips for Reading to your child at home...



Click this link ----> 



Reception took part in the Nativity. They were angels who sang and danced.