PE curriculum statement
Our intention for PE at St. Anne’s is to provide a high-quality curriculum which develops skills, knowledge and the understanding of how physical activity can lead to physically confident, healthy and active lives. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the key stages allowing the children to take part in sports and activities through which they can enjoy and develop a sense of achievement. The children are taught skills which they can transfer into a variety of sports. We aim for all children to participate in a range of tournaments and sport festivals in order to experience competition. The teaching of PE is used to increase understanding of fairness, respect and collaborative skills whilst also building resilience and perseverance. |
Underpinned by … |
High expectations |
Modelling |
Fluency |
Vocabulary |
All children are expected to succeed and make progress from their starting points. Our curriculum involves all children in every PE lesson. |
Teachers teach the skills needed to succeed in PE, providing examples of skills and tactics.
Children will develop their skills and understanding throughout their time in primary school. Children apply their PE skills to a range of different sports and activities. |
Specific vocabulary is taught linked to each of the type of sport and the children are provided opportunities to recognise how transferable skills are between different sports. |
EYFS As Physical development is one of the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and is used to develop a child's movement, safely negotiating space and objects safely, with consideration for themselves and others.
They need to demonstrate strength, balance and coordination which is observed in our outdoor play area on a daily basis. We expect them to move energetically, running, dancing, hopping skipping and climbing. These skills are also developed in their PE lessons.
Also Balance Ability takes place in the Summer Term. Developing gross motor skills, balance and co-ordination.
KS1 The children are taught the basic skills of movement including running, jumping, throwing and catching, encouraging them to be able to demonstrate agility, balance and coordination. They work on their own, in pairs or small groups to develop their awareness of space and simple tactics for attacking and defending. Dances are created using simple moves and patterns linked together.
Types of skills / activities included Balance Agility Coordination Turn taking Working in a team Following rules Using a ball Throwing / catching / striking Swimming - all children from year 3 upwards have swimming lessons at our local pool. They continue into year 6, not only for those not at the expected standard, but for all children as we want them to be the strongest swimmers they possibly can be. |
Extra-Curricular Activities The school offers a range of clubs both before and after school. They change from year to year depending on the current pupils interests. Year 6 go on a residential trip which involve a range of physical challenges and develop independence, team working and decision making. (Plas Dol-y-moch in Wales)
Class / KS competitions Each class creates their own intra competitions as a culmination of units. Each summer there are inter House competitions for Netball and Football.
KS2 Children continue to build on their KS1 skills, building them into a wider range of actions and sequences. The children develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. The children are encouraged to work in partnership or collaboration with their peers. The children learn to evaluate their own performance and the performance of others.
Year 6 pupils have an opportunity to take a leadership role and for PE they can choose to be a sports leader. This role involves helping with playtime equipment, supporting the two Sports days and assisting with the organisation of intra sport activities. |
Types of sports / skills included (building on all the KS1 skills) Football Hockey Netball Rounders Rugby Dance Gymnastics Cricket Swimming |
Competitions / Festivals We try to get the children in as many competitive matches as possible. The children take part in the catholic cup and the catholic league for both netball and football. They also take part in the Coventry south games initially which, if successful in, then move on to the competition that involves the whole of Coventry.
Cross Curricular The impact of spending time being physical has been proven to create greater concentration levels. The school has committed to encouraging pupils to participate in the ‘Daily dash’ as often as possible. PE is linked to both the science and cooking curriculums so that pupils learn the effects of exercise on the body and the link between energy provided by food and physical activity. We also try to link our whole school topics to the PE curriculum whenever valid links can be made. |
Whole school events The whole school are encouraged to run the ‘Daily Dash’. KS1 and a KS2 have a joint Sports Day event each summer which are supported by parents. |
Healthy School The pupils are encouraged to be energetic during playtimes. We have a trim trail and exercise equipment at the side of the playground. There are zoned areas for different activities during playtimes. Snacks are limited to healthy options and only water is accepted as drinks during the day. Fruit is provided for the KS1 pupils. |
PUPIL VOICE The school council are always involved in the choices of new large scale equipment for playtimes. The school councillors also help to maintain and recognise the need to replace smaller pieces of play equipment, such as balls, skipping ropes, rocker balances etc. |
EVIDENCE IN KNOWLEDGE The team building skills that are shown in PE lessons can be transferred to other areas of their lives. |
EVIDENCE IN SKILLS Pupils begin to see how the skills they develop can be transferred between sports. Click here to access the skills progression document.
OUTCOMES At the end of each year we expect the children to have achieved Age Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group. Some children will have progressed further and achieved greater depth (GD).