Year 2 Teaching Team
Miss Marriott (Teacher) Mrs Raggett (HLTA)
Welcome to the Year 2 class page.
This page will keep you informed about all of the exciting experiences and learning that will be taking place throughout your child's time in Year 2.
PE will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children should come to school wearing their St Anne's PE kits. This should consist of either plain navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts (weather dependant) paired with a St Anne's branded PE top and hoodie. Please ensure everything is labelled with their name.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected to be returned on the following Wednesday. We really appreciate your support in ensuring that homework is completed and your child's book is returned every week.
It is extremely important that children read on a daily basis, with opportunities for an adult to hear them read/ discuss their reading. In Year 2, the expectation is that they read for 10 minutes every night and have their reading record signed by an adult. We encourage children to read their book more than once so that they become more familiar with their book and can read it fluently and with expression. Reading books will be collected in on a Monday and a new book given out on a Tuesday.
We value your support with your child's learning and we are so excited to see your children grow, learn and achieve this year!
The Year 2 Team
Please click here to see an overview of what the children will be learning in the Autumn Term.
Please click here to see an overview of what the children will be learning in the Spring Term.