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St Anne's Catholic Primary School

"Love one another as I have loved you in our home, school and Parish family"

Year 3 Teaching Team



                                              Mrs Mattocks  (Teacher)           Mrs Petrucci (TA)              Miss Sheehy (TA)                          


Welcome to the Year 3 class page. On here, we will share some of the special experiences the children take part in as part of their daily life in school. The children have settled into Year 3 really well and we are excited to see how they grow and develop over the coming year.

The children will take part in daily Maths, English and Spelling lessons. They will also have R.E,  P.E, Celebration of the word, Science, I.C.T, comprehension, topic, P.S.H.E and French lessons throughout the week. Each term our topic changes. We are now studying the Ancient Egyptians in History.

Your child will be given the opportunity to choose a reading book to take home each week.  Please try to listen to your child read for 10 minutes every night and write a comment in your child’s reading record. This will really help your child to become a confident, fluent reader.  Another important skill for the children to learn is to be able to fluently recall the times tables up to 12 x 12. Regular practice with this is heavily encouraged.


PE days will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays children should come to school wearing the St Anne's school PE Kits.  This must be plain navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts (depending on the weather as we do try and take the children outside as much as possible).  These should be paired with a branded St Anne's PE top & hoodie.

The children will be given homework every Friday which will need to be completed and returned to school on a Wednesday.

We have many opportunities planned to engage and excite the children to help them enjoy all of their learning.  I am really looking forward to teaching your children again this year.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can make an appointment through the school office.


Please click here to see an overview of what we are learning in the Autumn Term. 

Please click here to view the welcome to Year 3 PowerPoint.

Please click here to view the prayers Year 3 will be learning.

 Please click here to see an overview of learning for the Spring Term.