Tapestry Support
Nursery Class
Welcome to Nursery!
Welcome to Nursery at St Anne’s. The adults in Nursery are Mrs Adu-Agyei (Class Teacher), Mrs Moroney (Nursery Nurse) and Mrs Zawarska (Teaching Assistant).
What we do
We instil a sense of independence in the children. We want them to have the confidence to make their own choices and find their own ways of doing things. We follow the EYFS curriculum and we teach phonics with the aim of all children knowing all the initial sounds by the end of Nursery and we teach maths with the aim that children have an understanding of number and quantities. Most importantly, we have fun!
What you can do
You can also have lots of fun with your children. I think that activities like cooking can be lots of fun and very valuable in terms of education. It gives the children the chance to experience different smells and textures. If you are mixing dough this is a great way to strengthen small fingers and get them ready to write. Shopping is a great opportunity to have the children counting in a real context and the park helps the children develop muscles and the ability to share and compromise. Most important of all is talk. Talking to your child while doing this broadens their vocabulary and understanding and helps them learn.
As independence of the children is so importance they often take off their own jumpers and coats but sometimes put them on a hook that is not theirs. To helps us avoid lost coats please can you write your child's name in all of their clothes
If you have any questions of would like to talk about any of this please come and see me. I'm always happy to have a chat!
We had the first weeks on the Autumn term and the children are exploring and engaging with new experiences.
Please click the links to see an overview of what your child will be learning.
Autumn Term Overview here.
Spring Term Overview here.
You can apply for 30 hours funding by clicking on the link and completing the application:
For the Autumn Term (from September) you must apply before the 31st August
For the Spring Term (from January) you must apply before the 31st December
For the Summer Term (from April) you must apply before the 31st March
If you are eligible please get in touch with the school office.